Service provider or something more?

Service provider or something more?

We received a distressed call from a fine restaurant last month. “Please help us, we have a bank of lights in the dining room that are not working. We made it through last night but need the lights back on for the dinner rush.” We went out to the job, assessed the...
Service provider or something more?

Excuse me, are you an electrician?

“Excuse me, are you an electrician?” Just this morning while I was at my local electrical supply house, a homeowner asked me that question. It’s a question I get pretty frequently and I will typically make an effort to help answer their subsequent questions. Today the...


Whenever I talk about landscape lighting, inevitably the talk will turn to pathlights. Some love them, some hate them but most don’t know the real deal with them. Some of the well-known manufacturers of landscape lighting have hundreds of different types of...
Service provider or something more?

Simple Job?

In a previous post I mentioned that for landscape lighting designers “our goal is simple”. While this is true, our job, is not so simple. I have to reference again the presentation to landscape architects on outdoor living spaces. In one of the presentations on...
Service provider or something more?

Landscape Lighting For Everyone?

A couple of weeks ago, I was at a presentation on landscape lighting for a group of landscape architects in Connecticut. It was a good presentation on outdoor living spaces that lasted all day. When darkness finally rolled around, we were able to take them on a...
Service provider or something more?


About thirty years ago I was reading an article in a guitar magazine. It featured Keith Richards who was talking about guitar players. He said something along these lines and of course I am paraphrasing, “I am not interested in being the fastest gun in the west,...